Saturday, May 27, 2006

No milk today love has gone away....

I feel so sad.

...I don't know what to say.......

Friday, May 26, 2006

Here I go

10 Things about me

  1. I have one cat. But he does not live with me. So I try to steel other people's be honest I do ask if I can take their cat home
  2. I do feel better now then in my 20's, too. That time I was really confused...
  3. ?
  4. Shoe size 37-38. Small feet. But can run reallly fast ... away fromweddings
  5. I love fashion: shoes, handbags. Like all other girls..
  6. I do wear nice suits at work, too.
  7. I love driving in the UK. Wish I could live there and drive around in an old car
  8. My favorite music is Faithless and Nick Cave. I do love faithless...
  9. I love baked beans.....
  10. Movie: Notting Hill. I am totally romantic, sorry for that.

more things to know

I love travelling. I love London. I don't know if I'll love paris. Last time I was there I felt lost. But I 'don't feel lost in london. I feel like I'm home. But I would not live there. I would move to the coast. Like baltimore (ireland) ...
I do love my i-pod, cause it's like going to another world. When I listen to my music - it's just me and the music. There's no outside world. So I can relax.
I love jogging. But I do hate sports.
I read a lot.
I work a lot.
Today it's my day off.
The trip to paris is my first holiday for over a year.
As you know - I lately got fooled around by a man.
He couldn't do it if I didn't let him.
But it's fine. I helps to rearrange my life..... Whatever that means... I'm not sure.

So .... hope you had fun...

Ps: I feel there is a strange haf fat decaf cap connection. It's kinda crime going on... So take care...