Friday, May 26, 2006

Here I go

10 Things about me

  1. I have one cat. But he does not live with me. So I try to steel other people's be honest I do ask if I can take their cat home
  2. I do feel better now then in my 20's, too. That time I was really confused...
  3. ?
  4. Shoe size 37-38. Small feet. But can run reallly fast ... away fromweddings
  5. I love fashion: shoes, handbags. Like all other girls..
  6. I do wear nice suits at work, too.
  7. I love driving in the UK. Wish I could live there and drive around in an old car
  8. My favorite music is Faithless and Nick Cave. I do love faithless...
  9. I love baked beans.....
  10. Movie: Notting Hill. I am totally romantic, sorry for that.

more things to know

I love travelling. I love London. I don't know if I'll love paris. Last time I was there I felt lost. But I 'don't feel lost in london. I feel like I'm home. But I would not live there. I would move to the coast. Like baltimore (ireland) ...
I do love my i-pod, cause it's like going to another world. When I listen to my music - it's just me and the music. There's no outside world. So I can relax.
I love jogging. But I do hate sports.
I read a lot.
I work a lot.
Today it's my day off.
The trip to paris is my first holiday for over a year.
As you know - I lately got fooled around by a man.
He couldn't do it if I didn't let him.
But it's fine. I helps to rearrange my life..... Whatever that means... I'm not sure.

So .... hope you had fun...

Ps: I feel there is a strange haf fat decaf cap connection. It's kinda crime going on... So take care...


At 5:48 PM, Blogger Damiel said...

So why the new blog ?!

At 6:38 PM, Blogger Damiel said...

I was only asking (said he meekly)!

You said earlier that you're not Irish not english.... hmmm

Finnish maybe ? Lithuanian ?
Moldavian ?

I'm not good at Geography :-(

Is english your maternal language ?

At 6:58 PM, Blogger Damiel said...

so truth is... I'm no good in computers. There ya go ... so I invented a new blog. Any other idea?
And I hate excel!
Bugger off... I'm german.
As you can see or better read english can't be my first language. Cause I'm no good in english....
I found my little cafe on
Haha and I'll go there. Pilgrim there!
And I beg your pardon, I didn't want to be/sound rude.
Smile :-)))

crikey, goodness,your english is very good - i don't speak german -

I'm glad for you that you found your café - why do you need to go to that particular one ?

At 7:33 PM, Blogger Damiel said...

Cause I'm do have such a romantic little girl inside me...And I have a crush on Carter from ER (no joke!). No - the cafe can be seen in various films (before sunset etc.).It looks so cute ... so I fell in love with the cafe. So I need to go there - for no other reason.
But I also have a crush on london...
and ireland
and sheep
and pubs.
Any easier way to chat?

I can understand the crush on Carter he's got tons of money !

If you like sheep, i'm sure Wales or New zealand would suit you down to the ground.

An easier way to chat ? It's strange but true; i must be the only person not to have a portable and my phone line is only linked to the p.c at home :-))

It's nice sometimes to be isolated (especially from people i don't want to speak to).

E-mail is my prefered method.

If you go back to my second post here ... third paragraph (countries):

Take the first two letters from the first,first from the second and first from the third ...

In my third post, take the first letter of the first two words in my post.

You now have the first six of my e-address ;-)

Add on 'point' onyx.


and ... where do i blog ?

That's my e-adresse ;-)

it's cryptic i know, i know


At 4:26 PM, Blogger Damiel said...

you haven't cracked it yet ?

At 12:13 PM, Blogger Damiel said...

.... alternatively, you could look me up on blogexplosion 'dot' com ;-)


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